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Info EFSA 2010 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Skarphéðinn Ásbjörnsson   
Mánudagur, 05 Apríl 2010 09:51

Pictures from the event will be put on the website during the Championship. See under: Myndir/Pictures

Myndir frá mótinu verða birtar annað slagið á meðan á mótinu stendur. Sjá undir: Myndir/Pictures 


EFSA Iceland have for sale, 200gr., 300gr., and 500 gr. lead and bait for practising, same package as will be used in the Championships.

One of our member also have on sale Poloshirts. See under "Dalvik 2010" above. 


Important notice!!

In view of the latest news it is important to announce that the volcanic activities in Eyjafjallajokull causes no immediate threats to north Iceland. Dalvik is about 300 kilometers away from the volcano and Reykjavik is about 130 km away from it. The trouble lies in air travel which we trust is well monitored and guided by all authorities. Information on air travel in Europe can be found on: https://www.cfmu.eurocontrol.int/PUBPORTAL/gateway/spec/index.html 


Informations for competitors in the EFSA European Boat and Line Class Championships taking place in Dalvik Iceland in May. 

The Boat Draw for the Championship took place in public at Berg Dalvik saturday 10. april

The list can be seen  here above under "Dalvik 2010 / Boat Draw"



Notice is also hereby given that it is now possible to registrate for the 2 and 4 man teams and send it to EFSA Iceland secretary Thorir Sveinsson either by mail to his home address: Urðarvegur 56, 400 Ísafjorður, Iceland or by email at Þetta tölvupóstfang er varið gegn ruslpósts þjörkum, Þú verður að hafa JavaScript virkt til að sjá það. . Registration form are to be found under the link "DALVIK 2010" at top of this page.

Additional information regarding the Championships are also to be found under "DALVIK 2010" 

Síðast uppfært: Mánudagur, 10 Maí 2010 21:52
EFSA Iceland
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