EFSA Species Championship 2022 will be held from Thursday 26th May to Saturday 28th May from Olafsvik, West-Iceland fishing for big Cod and Coalfish. The venue will be fished to the EFSA rules.
Thursday 26 May Registration
18:00 Registration at Klif, Olafsvik
20:00 Opening Ceremony at Klif, Olafsvik
Friday 27 May Cod and Coalfish
06:30 Assemble at Pier Olafsvik
07:00 Boats depart for fishing grounds
08:00 Lines down
14:00 Lines up
16:00 All boats must be in harbour
19:00 Days results displayed
Saturday 28 May Cod and Coalfish
06:30 – 16:00 Same as Friday
19:00 Days results displayed
20:00 Presentation of awards
21:00 Gala Dinner at Klif, Olafsvik
Entry fee ISK 50.000. Bait included. Registration before 28th February 2021. Registration into 2man and 4man Teams free of charge. Price for Gala Dinner ISK 7.000.
Point system: Cod and Coalfish 35-55 cm. 1 points, Cod and Coalfish 56-75 cm. 4 points, Cod and Coalfish 76-100 cm. 15 points, Cod and Coalfish 101 cm or longer 50 points. All other fish 0 point. Unlimited fishing.
The times and programme are subject to alteration at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.