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Íslandsmeistaramót EFSA 2019 • Ólafsvík 15. - 16. júní • Úrslit Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Miðvikudagur, 19 Júní 2019 17:54


Íslandsmeistaramót EFSA Íslands í bátakeppni 2019 var haldið laugardaginn 15. og sunnudaginn 16. júní sl. frá Ólafsvík með þátttöku sex veiðimanna sem kepptu á einum báti; fimm karlar og ein kona. Áhersla var lögð á að veiða þorsk, sem flokkaður var í þrjá lengdarflokka 50 cm og minni sem gaf 3 stig, 51-75 cm sem gaf 7 stig hver fiskur og þorskur stærri en 76 cm sem gaf 12 stig. Allar aðrar tegundir töldust einnig til stiga og gaf hver fiskur 3 stig. Að auki fékk veiðimaður 15 stig fyrir hverja tegund.


Alls veiddust 375 fiskar þar af 292 þorskar, flestir í stærsta stærðarflokknum eða 166 stk. og 110 stk. í milliflokknum. Af öðrum tegundum veiddust 83 fiskar; ufsi, ýsa, lýsa, karfi, steinbítur, langa, sandkoli og flundra. Stærsti þorskurinn var 107 cm, veiðimaður Sigríður Rögnvaldsdóttir og stærsti ufsinn var 117,5 cm., veiðimaður Sigríður Rögnvaldsdóttir.


Stigahæstur karla og þar með Íslandsmeistari 2019 varð Helgi Bergsson með 200% skor, 98 fiska og 962 aflastig. Í öðru sæti varð Kristbjörn Rafnsson með 113,41% skor, 63 fiska og 540 aflastig. Í þriðja sæti varð Ólafur Jón Guðmundsson með 106,6% skor, 56 fiska og 512 aflastig.


Íslandsmeistari kvenna varð Sigríður Rögnvaldsdóttir með 130,37% skor, 67 fiska og 610 aflastig.


Veitt voru einnig verðlaun fyrir efsta sætið í 2ja manna sveit og fyrir stærsta fiskinn í einstökum tegundum.

Einmuna blíða var báða veiðidaganna, blanka logn, ekki ský á himni og skartaði Snæfellsjökull allri sinni dýrð baðaður ljóma sólarinnar. Haft var að orði að sjaldan hafi veiðst jafn margir stórir fiskar í mótum félagsins og var fjöldi stórra fiska yfir 56 cm. að lengd alls 280 eða 75% af fjölda fiskanna.

Íslandsmeistaramót EFSA 2019 • Ólafsvík 15. - 16. júní Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 09 Júní 2019 16:25


Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið hefur fellt úr gildi ákvörðun Fiskistofu frá 9. janúar 2019 að synja EFSA Íslandi um vilyrði fyrir skráningu afla á opinberum sjóstangaveiðimótum árið 2019. Þetta þýðir að okkur er heimilt að veiða í sumar. Ákveðið hefur verið að halda Íslandsmeistaramót EFSA Íslands í bátakeppni laugardaginn 15. og sunnudaginn 16. júní nk. frá Ólafsvík og hefst mótið með mótssetningu kl. 20:00 föstudaginn 14. júní nk. Bátakeppnin er stigamót þar sem keppt er til Íslandsmeistara EFSA Ísland 2019. Keppt verður eftir keppnisreglum í bátakeppni 2019. Áhersla verður lögð á að veiða þorsk, en aðrar tegundir telja einnig til stiga.




Föstudagur 14. júní Mótssetning


kl. 20:00 Mótsgögn afhent.


Laugardagur 15. júní Íslandsmeistaramót (bátakeppni)


kl. 06:30 Keppendur mæta á bryggju.


kl. 07:00 Lagt úr höfn.


kl. 08:00 Veiðar hefjast.


kl. 14:00 Veiðum hætt.


kl. 16:00 Bátar skulu vera komnir að bryggju.


Sunnudagur 16. júní Íslandsmeistaramót (bátakeppni)


kl. 06:30 Keppendur mæta á bryggju.


kl. 07:00 Lagt úr höfn.


kl. 08:00 Veiðar hefjast.


kl. 14:00 Veiðum hætt.


kl. 16:00 Bátar skulu vera komnir að bryggju.


kl. 20:00 Verðlaunaafhending.


kl. 21:00 Lokahóf.


Skráning hjá Þóri Sveinssyni sími 896 3157/netfang: Þetta tölvupóstfang er varið gegn ruslpósts þjörkum, Þú verður að hafa JavaScript virkt til að sjá það. eða hjá Helga Bergssyni sími 867 3601/netfang: Þetta tölvupóstfang er varið gegn ruslpósts þjörkum, Þú verður að hafa JavaScript virkt til að sjá það. . Skráningarfrestur er til kl:18:00 miðvikudaginn 12. júní 2019.


Stigagjöf. Allir fiskar telja til stiga. Þorskur 0-55 cm. gefur 3 stig, þorskur 56-75 cm. 7 stig, þorskur 76 cm. og stærri 12 stig. Allir aðrir fiskar gefa 3 stig og gefin eru 15 stig fyrir hverja tegund.

EFSA European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri, Iceland Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 12 Maí 2019 10:05


The EFSA European Shore Championship 2019 was held Wednesday 1st May to Saturday 4th of May 2019 from Akureyri in North Iceland with 55 anglers: 3 ladies, 1 junior, 19 seniors and 32 ordinary/annual/life members. The anglers came from 7 Sections: England (11), Germany (8), Iceland (4), Ireland (10), Netherlands (8), Scotland (6) and Wales (8).


The fishing


The Championship was a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The fish was categorized into two fish type; flatfish and round fish. The minimum size was 35 cm for Cod and Coalfish but 20 cm for other fish. A maximum of two hooks was allowed with minimum size of 14 mm. The anglers put all their fish into a bucket provided by the organizers. Then the Stewards on shore came, measured the fish and wrote down the size of the fish into the angler´s scorecard. The scores were written down on the master card at the end of each fishing day and the anglers had to sign his/her score. All fish was released. The bait was Blue eye and Mackerel.


The venue was fished from three different shores/spots: From the piers in Akureyri on the first day, from a nearby village of Hjalteyri on the second day and on the third day from Drottingarbraut nearby the center of Akureyri. The venue was fished from 5 zones: A, B, C, D and E and 11 anglers on each zone. The drawing into zones and the teams was done with a blind draw at the registration on Wednesday 1st May. The drawing into pegs was done each day on the zones.


The winner of a zone each day was the angler with the most fish points that day. The calculation of each day result was done by adding the total running length of each angler’s fish with the number of his fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total fish points of the day).


A total of 1183 fish were caught, 388 on the first day, 754 on the second day but only 41 fish on the third day. Fish species was Dab, Rough Dab, Cod, Wolf fish (catfish), Shorthorn sculpin, Whiting and Thorny skate.




The Championship was fished to the General Rules for EFSA Shore Championships.


The winner of the Championship. If two anglers had the same total zone points for all the three fishing days then the fish points decided who was the winner. If two anglers were with the same total zone points and the same fish points, then the number of fish decided who was the winner.


EFSA European Champion 2019 was Stephen Glynn, Ireland. In the second place was Björn Hansen, Germany and in the third place was Nils Grünwald, Germany. EFSA European Lady Champion 2019 was Clarinda van der Zande, Netherlands. In the second place was Miranda Koop, Netherlands and in the third place was Ilonka Rijnberg, Netherlands.


In the Championship there were 10 A- and B National Teams, 2 from England, Ireland and Wales and one from Germany, Iceland, Netherlands and Scotland. Netherlands was in the first place, England B in the second place and Germany in the third place.


The number of 2man teams was 28 and the number of 4man teams was 14.


The longest flatfish caught was a Dab of 48 cm, angler Wilco Keur, Netherlands and the longest round fish was a Cod of 80 cm, angler Michael Schramm, Germany.


A Protest Committee of five was appointed and one protest was recorded during the Championship.


The Awards and Gala-dinner


The Prize giving ceremony and the Gala-dinner was held at the HQ hotel Kjarnalundur in Akureyri on Saturday 4th May. The total number of prizes awarded was 57; for the first three places in the Individual, for the Lady class (1, 2 and 3 place), for the junior (1), for Life member and Senior (1, 2 and 3 place), the Two man team and Four man team (1, 2 and 3 place), for the National team of five (1, 2 and 3 place), the Executive team of four (1, 2 and 3 place), best (longest) flatfish and the best (longest) round fish.


EFSA Iceland likes to thank everybody that made this Championship become a reality; the anglers, the Stewards, the organizing Committee, the members of EFSA HQ, the sponsors, the municipality and the local people of Akureyri.


12th May 2019.

Thorir Sveinsson, EFSA Iceland Secretary.

European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri 1st-4th May • Newsletter no. 4 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Helgi Bergsson   
Mánudagur, 15 Apríl 2019 07:50


The European Shore Championship 2019 will be held from Akureyri, North-Iceland 1st May to 4th May.




Entries for the Championship. There are 56 anglers competing in the Shore Championship from 7 Sections; England (11), Germany (8), Iceland (5), Ireland (10), Netherlands (8), Scotland (6) and Wales (8).


Fishing rules. See below. A maximum of two hooks are allowed with minimum size of 14 mm.


The point system. The Championship is a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The calculation of each day result is done by adding the total running length of your fish with the number of your fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total fish points of the day).


The fish to catch. Cod, Coalfish, Haddock, Dab, Catfish (Wolf fish) and Whiting. We expect to fish few Shorthorn Sculpin (Scorpion fish), Rough Dab, Flounder, Halibut and Plaice and maybe some Thorny Ray, Redfish and Pollock.


The zones, the fishing and the bait. Zones. We will fish from 5 zones; A, B, C, D and E and your place will be drawn at the registration Wednesday 1st May. Fishing. Put all your fish into your bucket. You do not need to bleed the fish. The shore Stewards will measure and write your fish down on the Scorecard and take care of the fish. If the fish is live able it will be released. The winner of a zone each day is the angler with the most fish points that day. Bait. Blueye and/or Mackerel.


The fishing spots and clothing. We will be fishing from three different spots: Nearby the center of Akureyri, from the piers in Akureyri and from a nearby village of Hjalteyri. Information which spot we will be fishing will be announced at the registration or at the start of each fishing day. The fish is both close to shore and further. You do not have to be a super caster to fish. Sometimes it is even better to fish closer to the shore. There can be a bit of seaweed few meters out so try to lift your fish from the bottom when pulling in. It can be cold and windy in early May in Iceland. Bring warm cloths and boots.


The practice spots. There are two main practice spots, one at Svalbardseyri about 9 km from Akureyri and the other at Dalvik 45 km from Akureyri. More info see the maps at registration.


Waders and the beaches. You do not need waders as we will be fishing from mainly rocky beaches therefore good footwear is recommended. From the first spot Drottingarbraut or nearby the center of Akureyri and from the piers in Akureyri you can´t wade. Just pull in your fish from the peg where you are fishing from. From the third one (Hjalteyri) only from one of the five zones it is possible to wade. There is a little change you need to wade.


Teams. It is free of charge to register into teams. The drawing into teams will be done with blind draw at registration on Wednesday 1st May.


The winner of the Championship. If two anglers are with the same total zone points for all the fishing days then the fish points will decide who is the winner. If two anglers are with the same total zone points and the same fish points, then the number of fish will decide who is the winner.


The Awards and Prizes. Beside the Medals and the Pins (see below) there will be awards.


Tackle shops. There are two tackle shops in Akureyri or Veiðiríkið at Óseyri 2 and Veiðihornið at Kaupvangsstræti 2.


EFSA uniform and the Gala Dinner. You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner. The menu at the Gala dinner is a starter or Mushroom soup with freshly baked bread and butter. Smoked salmon with cold dressing. The maincourse is Lamb with red wine sauce. Pork with pepper sauce. Icelandic fish - catch of the day. Sweet potato salad, mixed with cashewnuts. Vegetarian dish a la chef. Mixed salad. Oven-roasted vegetables. Icelandic potatoes. The desert is Apple cake with whipped cream. Skyr dessert, a la chef. Coffee and tea.


Protest Committee. Phil Lusting, EFSA HQ and EFSA Wales chairman, Helgi Bergsson, EFSA Iceland, Warren Doyle, EFSA Ireland, Miranda Koop, EFSA Netherlands and Paull Curtice, EFSA England. Protest Committee meetings to be held at Hotel Kjarnalundur the HQ hotel.

European Shore Championship 2019 • Akureyri May 2019 Skoða sem PDF skjal Prenta út Senda hlekk á þessa síðu til vinar
Skrifað af Administrator   
Sunnudagur, 24 Mars 2019 14:08


The organizing work for the European Shore Championship to be held from Akureyri, North-Iceland


1st May to 4th May 2019 is almost completed. A newsletter with detailed info, entry forms and more has been sent to your Section.




Entries for the venue: There are 56 anglers competing in the Championship from 7 Sections; England (11), Germany (8), Iceland (5), Ireland (10), Netherlands (8), Scotland (6) and Wales (8).


The fishing spots: We will be fishing from three different shores/spots: Nearby the center of Akureyri, from the piers in Akureyri and from a nearby village of Hjalteyri. Information which spot we will be fishing will be announced at the registration or at the start of each fishing day.


Fishing rules: See below. A maximum of two hooks are allowed with minimum size of 14 mm.


Please note that this rule has been changed from minimum gape of 14 mm to minimum size of 14 mm.


The point system and fishing: The Championship is a Shore Championship with unlimited amount of fish to count for points. The calculation of each day result is done by adding the total running length of your fish with the number of your fish multiplied with a constant of five (Total length of fish + No. of fish x 5 = Total fish points of the day).


The zones: We will fish from 5 zones; A, B, C, D and E and your place will be drawn at the registration Wednesday 1st May. The winner of a zone each day is the angler with the most fish points that day.


The winner of the Championship: If two anglers are with the same total zone points for all the fishing days then the fish points will decide who is the winner. If two anglers are with the same total zone points and the same fish points, then the number of fish will decide who is the winner.


Fish to catch: Cod, Coalfish, Haddock, Dab, Catfish (Wolf fish) and Whiting. We expect to fish few Shorthorn Sculpin (Scorpion fish), Rough Dab, Flounder, Halibut and Plaice and maybe some Thorny Ray, Redfish and Pollock.


The fishing: Put all your fish into your bucket. You do not need to bleed the fish. The shore Stewards will measure and write your fish down on the Scorecard and take care of the fish. If the fish is live able it will be released. Please note that this rule has been changed.


Bait: We will use Blueye and/or Mackerel.


Teams: It is free of charge to register into teams. The drawing into teams will be done with blind draw at registration on Wednesday 1st May.


Tackle shop: There is a tackle shop in Akureyri.


Clothing: It can be cold and windy in early May in Iceland. Bring warm cloths and boots.


Travel information to Akureyri: See below.


EFSA uniform: You must wear EFSA uniform at the Prize giving Ceremony and at the Gala dinner.


Protest Committee: Phil Lusting (EFSA HQ), Helgi Bergsson (EFSA Iceland), and three other committee members from representing Sections. Protest Committee meetings to be held at Hotel Kjarnalundur the HQ hotel.



Issued on 25st March 2019

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